2 Assignment 2: Representation Independence

Guidelines for this assignment

An upright rectangle is a rectangle in the XY plane whose edges are parallel to the X and Y axes. For a type T to represent upright rectangles, we require these methods:

These methods are the five elements of a list. For instance, when given any correct representation of upright rectangles, the following procedure

(define smoke-test-rect
  (lambda (rect)
    (match rect
      [`(,from-center ,from-corners ,area ,contains? ,scale)
       (let ([r (scale 2 (from-corners 6 4 3 5))])
         (cons (area r)
               (map (lambda (y)
                      (map (lambda (x) (contains? r x y))
                           '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))
                    '(9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0))))])))


 (#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)
 (#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)
 (#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)
 (#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)
 (#f #f #t #t #t #t #t #t #f #f)
 (#f #f #t #t #t #t #t #t #f #f)
 (#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)
 (#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)
 (#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)
 (#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f))
  1. The word “inside” above can mean to include or to exclude the edges of the rectangle. Define a procedure includes-edge? that takes a representation of upright rectangles and returns a boolean to guess whether it includes the edges. Invoke the contains? method just once.

    Tip: If you’re not sure how to start this exercise, write some tests. But each test requires a representation of upright rectangles as input, so maybe do the next two exercises first.

  2. Define center-rect to be a representation of upright rectangles that stores each rectangle as a list of four numbers: its center X coordinate, its center Y coordinate, its width, and its height.

    Follow the grammar below to decide if your code needs to be recursive:

      T = (Number Number Number Number)

    Finish the five definitions in the following skeleton.

    (define center-rect-from-center ...)
    (define center-rect-from-corners ...)
    (define center-rect-area ...)
    (define center-rect-contains? ...)
    (define center-rect-scale ...)
    (define center-rect
  3. Define corners-rect to be a representation of upright rectangles that stores each rectangle as a list of four numbers: its minimal X coordinate, its minimal Y coordinate, its maximal X coordinate, and its maximal Y coordinate.

    Follow the grammar below to decide if your code needs to be recursive:

      T = (Number Number Number Number)

    Finish the five definitions in the following skeleton.

    (define corners-rect-from-center ...)
    (define corners-rect-from-corners ...)
    (define corners-rect-area ...)
    (define corners-rect-contains? ...)
    (define corners-rect-scale ...)
    (define corners-rect

For a type T to represent finite sets of natural numbers, we require these methods:

These methods are the six elements of a list. For instance, the following procedure returns '(3) when given any correct representation of finite sets of natural numbers:

(define smoke-test-natset
  (lambda (natset)
    (match natset
      [`(,empty ,single ,union ,intersection ,difference ,contains?)
       (let ([s (difference (union (single 3) (single 5))
                            (union (single 5) (empty)))])
         (filter (lambda (x) (contains? s x))
                 '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))])))
  1. One representation of finite sets of natural numbers is to put numbers in a list. We don’t even need to remove duplicates:

    (define sparse-natset-empty
      (lambda ()
    (define sparse-natset-intersection
      (lambda (s1 s2)
        (filter (lambda (x) (memv x s2)) s1)))
    (define sparse-natset-difference
      (lambda (s1 s2)
        (filter (lambda (x) (not (memv x s2))) s1)))
    (define sparse-natset-contains?
      (lambda (s x)
        (memv x s)))
    (define sparse-natset

    Define a new procedure sparse-natset-union and replace the method append with sparse-natset-union in sparse-natset so that duplicates are removed. (Why don’t you need to change the intersection and difference methods?)

  2. Define dense-natset to be another representation of finite sets of natural numbers, where T is lists of booleans. For instance, a set containing only number 5 can be represented as '(#f #f #f #f #f #t), meaning that only 5 shows up in the set. Similarly, (single 3) should be '(#f #f #f #t), and (union (single 3) (single 5)) should be '(#f #f #f #t #f #t).

    Follow the grammar below to decide if your definitions needs to be recursive:

      Boolean = #f
      | #t
      T = ()
      | (Boolean . T)

    Finish the six definitions in the following skeleton.

    (define dense-natset-empty ...)
    (define dense-natset-single ...)
    (define dense-natset-union ...)
    (define dense-natset-intersection ...)
    (define dense-natset-difference ...)
    (define dense-natset-contains? ...)
    (define dense-natset
  3. Define function-natset to be yet another representation of finite sets of natural numbers, where T is functions from natural numbers to booleans.

    For instance, (union (single 3) (single 5)) should be a function that takes a natural number as input, and returns #t if the input is 3 or 5, or #f otherwise.

    Finish the six definitions in the following skeleton.

    (define function-natset-empty ...)
    (define function-natset-single ...)
    (define function-natset-union ...)
    (define function-natset-intersection ...)
    (define function-natset-difference ...)
    (define function-natset-contains? ...)
    (define function-natset
Just Dessert
  1. The lambdas with only one argument can be used to define a representation of natural numbers, called Church numerals, and arithmetic over them. For instance, c5 is the definition of the Church numeral for 5.

    > (define c0 (lambda (f) (lambda (x) x)))
    > (define c5 (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f (f (f (f (f x))))))))
    > ((c5 add1) 0)
    > ((c0 add1) 0)

    The following is a definition for Church plus, which performs addition over Church numerals.

    > (define c+ (lambda (m)
                   (lambda (n)
                     (lambda (add1)
                       (lambda (zero)
                         ((m add1) ((n add1) zero)))))))
    > (let ((c10 ((c+ c5) c5)))
        ((c10 add1) 0))

    One way to understand the definition of c+ is that, when provided two Church numerals, it returns a function that, when provided a meaning for add1 and a meaning for zero, it returns the meaning of the sum of m and n.

    Your task, however, is to implement csub1, Church predecessor. The following tests should pass.

    > (((csub1 c5) add1) 0)
    > (((csub1 c0) add1) 0)

    In the second case, the Church predecessor of Church zero is zero, as we haven’t a notion of negative numbers.

    This was a difficult problem, but it’s fun, so don’t Google it. If you think it might help though, consider taking a trip to the dentist.