14 Assignment 14: Pie
You might need to check the documentation of Pie occasionally.
Introduction to types
- Define intriguing-word so that intriguing-word is an Atom.
(claim intriguing-word Atom)
- Define lucky-num so that lucky-num is a Nat.
(claim lucky-num Nat)
- Define to-go-order so that pickup-order is a (Pair Nat Atom).
(claim to-go-order (Pair Nat Atom))
- Define MyFirstType so that MyFirstType is a type. NOTE: U is the type that describes all types (except itself) and is short for "the universe of types", so we have written as a claim that MyFirstType is a U (i.e. is a type).
(claim MyFirstType U)
Define my-thing-and-atom so that my-thing-and-atom is a (Pair MyFirstType U).
(claim my-thing-and-Atom (Pair MyFirstType U))
Define and test with-Nats, a function that takes two arguments:
a binary function over Nats, and
a pair of Nats.
The result of with-Nats should be the result of applying the function (argument 1) to the two Nats in the pair of Nats (argument 2).(claim with-Nats (-> (-> Nat Nat Nat) (Pair Nat Nat) Nat)) Test your definition with(check-same Nat (with-Nats (λ (n m) n) (cons 1 2)) 1) (check-same Nat (with-Nats (λ (n m) (add1 m)) (cons 1 2)) 3) Define and test at-least-two?, it should take a Nat and return the Atom 't if its argument has at least two add1s at the top (i.e. if the Nat is >= 2), otherwise it should return the Atom 'nil. NOTE: the only Nat eliminator at-least-two? should use is which-Nat.
(claim at-least-two? (-> Nat Atom)) Test your definition with(check-same Atom (at-least-two? 0) 'nil) (check-same Atom (at-least-two? 1) 'nil) (check-same Atom (at-least-two? 41) 't) - Here are the definitions of addition and multiplication.
(claim + (-> Nat Nat Nat)) (define + (λ (n m) (rec-Nat n m (λ (k k+m) (add1 k+m))))) (claim * (-> Nat Nat Nat)) (define * (λ (n m) (rec-Nat n 0 (λ (k k*m) (+ m k*m))))) Define expt to be exponentiation of natural numbers.(claim expt (-> Nat Nat Nat))
- Define map.
(claim map (Π ((A U) (B U)) (→ (→ A B) (List A) (List B)))) - Define nth which returns the nth element of a list, or if n is too big, returns the default
(claim nth (Π ((A U)) (→ (List A) A Nat A)))
Define vec-second which takes a ‘proper‘ vector and returns its second element. Introduce your own claim for this one.
Define and test max, a binary operator on natural numbers that returns the larger of the two numbers it is given.
Define Ackermann’s function.
(ack n m) is:(add1 m) if n = 0
(ack (sub1 n) 1) if n has add1 at the top and m = 0
(ack (sub1 n) (ack n (sub1 m))) if n and m have add1 at the top
Just Dessert
Using Nat and Either, we can define a new type Integer:
(claim Integer U) (define Integer (Either Nat Nat))
Then we can use the left part to represent negative numbers, and right part to represent non-negative numbers:
(claim minus-one Integer) (define minus-one (left 0)) (claim minus-two Integer) (define minus-two (left 1)) (claim minus-four Integer) (define minus-four (left 3)) (claim int-zero Integer) (define int-zero (right 0)) (claim plus-two Integer) (define plus-two (right 2)) (claim plus-three Integer) (define plus-three (right 3))
Define a function int-+ that takes two Integers and returns their sum as another Integer. Here are some test cases:
(check-same Integer (int-+ minus-four plus-three) minus-one) (check-same Integer (int-+ minus-two plus-two) int-zero) (check-same Integer (int-+ minus-two minus-two) minus-four)
You may need to refer to this page for Either.