4 Assignment 4: Environments and Interpreters
This week’s assignment only has one question and it builds on top of last assignment 3
Place your code for interpreter in a file named ”a4.rkt” and submit it to Autograder.
You must define set of environment helpers: that uses data-structural representation of environments. Call the representation-independent version with data-structural helpers value-of-ds. Your data structures should be the association list representation.
Association list environments are a list of variable-value list of two members like '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)). This means that the variable a has the value 1, the variable b has the value 2 and the variable c has the value 3. You add new variable-value list by cons-ing them to the left of the old environment. For example, if a new b variable is defined, then the env would look like this '((b 5) (a 1) (b 2) (c 3)). Notice that the new b on the left shadows the old b with the value 2.
Also make your closures representation independent using tagged list data structure. You should write two closure helper functions for this interpreter. Write apply-closure-ds and make-closure-ds for value-of-ds.
(define value-of-ds ...) (define empty-env-ds ...) (define extend-env-ds ...) (define apply-env-ds ...) (define make-closure-ds ...) (define apply-closure-ds ...) Your interpreter must handle the following forms: numbers, booleans, variables, lambda-abstraction, application, zero?, sub1, *, if, and let. For this part you can use the value-of interpreter from assignment-3
Remember, your solutions should be compositional.
> (value-of-ds '((lambda (x) (if (zero? x) #t #f)) 0) (empty-env-ds)) #t > (value-of-ds '((lambda (x) (if (zero? x) 12 47)) 0) (empty-env-ds)) 12 > (value-of-ds '(let ([y (* 3 4)]) ((lambda (x) (* x y)) (sub1 6))) (empty-env-ds)) 60 > (value-of-ds '(let ([x (* 2 3)]) (let ([y (sub1 x)]) (* x y))) (empty-env-ds)) 30 > (value-of-ds '(let ([x (* 2 3)]) (let ([x (sub1 x)]) (* x x))) (empty-env-ds)) 25 > (value-of-ds '(((lambda (f) (lambda (n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n ((f f) (sub1 n)))))) (lambda (f) (lambda (n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n ((f f) (sub1 n))))))) 5) (empty-env-ds)) 120